What a year...

I haven't seen my mother in several months - thanks to COVID. So a few weeks ago, I sent her a package full of local and eco-friendly products, and she was so happy. It was a very emotional moment, more than I could have imagined.

Therefore, I decided to make this opportunity available to everyone so that we can all make someone happy in our own way. Whether it's for a loved one, a friend, an employee, a colleague or a business partner, we are all facing the same situation, and we are all subject to similar restrictions.

I offer you to create packages filled with local & eco-friendly products chosen among more than 500 items available on Samara & Co, in Men's or Women's theme.

Here's what it means...

  1. You give us the number of gifts to prepare - Men & Women
  2. You give us a budget and a list of addresses
  3. We create your original gift boxes
  4. We prepare the design of your greeting card, print it, sign it on your behalf and add it to each package.
  5. We ship directly to each employee, partner or friend’s home.
  6. You get gratitude and recognition!

This is a great way of showing that you are encouraging the local economy and consuming eco-responsible.

Please note that we can easily add local alcoholic beverages or seasonal food products to the package - we have all the partners to do so!

To give you a better idea, here is a corporate gift package made for a local business. Sorry, I’m not a professional photographer, but you get the idea.

As a source of inspiration...



LADIES - $100

LADIES - $60

And this year, since the holiday season will be full of emotions - all kinds of emotions - we want to offer you the most out of ourselves. As much as it pleases us to receive, it pleases us to contribute to give.

Don't hesitate to contact us; it will be our pleasure to create a personalized offer for you.
