With these products, Mister will be able to take care of himself as a king, while minimizing his ecological footprint! He will be able to slow down, in order to better start again!

62 products found in Men's care

CITROBUG - Chasse-moustiques pour Adultes -Sans DEET - 100% naturel - Chasse-moustiques | Samara & Co
CITROBUG - 100% Natural Mosquito Repellent - No DEET
  • $12.00
  • $6.00

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ATTITUDE - Bâton solaire minéral sans plastique FPS 30 – Sans odeur - Contenant en carton biodégradable - Soins corps | Samara & Co
ATTITUDE - Plastic Free Mineral Sunscreen Stick SPF 30 – Unscented - Biodegradable Cardboard Container
  • $11.00

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MALTÉ - Moisturizing soap with shea butter and microbrewery spent grain • Pear & Citrus
  • $6.00

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OLA BAMBOO - Coffret - Tampons démaquillants réutilisables - Accessoires soins | Samara & Co
OLA BAMBOO - Bamboo Makeup Remover Pads
  • $18.00

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SIMKHA - Savon noir africain hydratant et naturel pour le corps - Soins corps | Samara & Co
SIMKHA - Moisturizing and natural Black African soap
  • $12.00

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JACK59 - Bar Shower Container - 100% backyard compostable
  • $16.00

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JACK59 - "Amplify" Conditioner Bar- Eliminates up to 5 plastic bottles
  • $16.00

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JACK59 - "Amplify" Shampoo Bar - Eliminates 3 plastic bottles
  • $16.00

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OLA BAMBOO - Soie dentaire écologique - Hygiène dentaire | Samara & Co
OLA BAMBOO - Eco-Friendly Dental Floss
  • $3.00
OLA BAMBOO - Étui de voyage en bambou pour brosse à dents - Hygiène dentaire | Samara & Co
OLA BAMBOO - Bamboo Travel Case for Toothbrush
  • $7.99
  • $5.00

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UNSCENTED CO - Savon en barre - Boîte de 5 - Soins mains | Samara & Co
UNSCENTED CO - Soap Bar - Box of 5
  • $21.99

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JACK59 - "Blonde Bombshell" Shampoo Bar - Eliminates 3 plastic bottles
  • $16.00