Changing habits can sometimes be daunting.
We have loved certain products for a long time, but when we see the impact on the planet, we realize that we have to find a plan B. Eco-responsible fashion is becoming more and more important, and even more so with younger generations. Environmental values are at the forefront of their purchasing decision-making.

36 products found in Clothing

MME L'OVARY - Culottes menstruelles de nuit - La Nighty - Fibre naturelle - Culotte menstruelle | Samara & Co
MME L'OVARY - Menstrual Night Panties - The Nighty - Natural Fibres
  • $54.95
  • $39.00
MME L'OVARY - Culottes menstruelles de jour - La Shorty & 3 serviettes - Fibre naturelle - Culotte menstruelle | Samara & Co
MME L'OVARY - Menstrual Daytime Panties - The Shorty & 3 pads - Natural Fibres
  • $69.95
  • $49.00

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DEMAIN DEMAIN - Grand sac imperméable avec ganse - Fait de bouteilles recyclées  •  Classique - Sacs réutilisables | Samara & Co
DEMAIN DEMAIN - Large Waterproof Wetbag - made from recycled plastic bottles • Classique
  • $18.00
MME L'OVARY - Culottes menstruelles de jour - La Bikini & 3 serviettes - Fibre naturelle - Culotte menstruelle | Samara & Co
MME L'OVARY - Menstrual Daytime Panties - The Bikini & 3 pads - Natural Fibres
  • $69.95
  • $49.00
ABBOTT - Grande Écharpe en laine d'alpaga - Caramel - Accessoires | Samara & Co
ABBOTT - Large Alpaca scarf in Camel
  • $210.00

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DEMAIN DEMAIN - Extra-large bag for bulk or freezing - made from recycled plastic bottles • Santorini by Marjorie et Cie
  • $16.00

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GOWOOD - Los Angeles - Lunettes de soleil en bois d’ébène avec verres noir polarisés - Lunettes de soleil | Samara & Co
GOWOOD - Los Angeles - Ebony Wood Sunglasses with Black Polarized Lenses
  • $59.00
NUDNIK - T-Shirt PERTURBATEUR pour enfants - Coton bio recyclé - Couleurs variées - T-shirts | Samara & Co
NUDNIK - DISRUPTOR Tee for kids - Recycled Organic Cotton - Many colors
  • $25.00
  • $20.00
FLAMME EN ROSE - Planet Earth Necklane - Made with recycled materials • Sterling Silver
  • $100.00
  • $95.00
SAMARA & CO - Tuque 100 % QUÉBÉCOIS - Coton Bio & Poly recyclé | Samara & Co
SAMARA & CO - 100% Made in Canada Toque - Organic Cotton & Recycled Polyester
  • $25.00
CASANNITA - Tablier japonais Rita - Fait de pur lin - Accessoire maison | Samara & Co
CASANNITA - Rita Japanese Apron - Made of pure linen • Black
  • $104.00
  • $89.00

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CASANNITA - Tablier japonais Rita - Fait de pur lin - Accessoire maison | Samara & Co
CASANNITA - Rita Japanese Apron - Made of pure linen • Natural
  • $89.00