
An inclusive approach to e-commerce

Samara & Co is the first online shopping site bringing together exclusively the best 

Canadian eco-responsible brands.

We are looking for established and ambitious Canadian brands.

Marketing and logistics are our strengths - creativity and innovation are yours.


  • Last year, more than 80% of Canadian consumers made a purchase online

  • 77% of all online sales were made on a foreign site

  • The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of the global carbon footprint (Wikipedia)

40 billion
of dollars slip through our fingers

Why the Samara?
We commonly call it a helicopter. Samara travels and finds new lands to grow. She is growing with determination ...

Samara & Co wants ...

  • repatriate sales made outside the country
  • that your brand is discovered by new customer segments
  • offer a concrete solution to consumers allowing them to buy locally from responsible companies.

Samara & Co wants to grow with you.

Leave us your details, we will contact you shortly.  

Merci de visiter Samara & Co.